Office 101,Ali Ubaid Bin Rasheed Tower A,Al-Qusais 3 971-566-900707
1. Software Development

1. Software Development

Telco Middleware Swap Experts

We are working on cutting specialization in the telecom sector specially companies using legacy middleware product which are highly costly to maintain and to develop any new CR. We have developed middleware product with open source highly cost effective. Having very low CPEX & OPEX as compared with existing middleware products deployed in the telecom sector. In Telenor Pakistan, we as a team successfully swap TIBCO with open source product.


There are several teams working with each other for completing and making a project successful in terms of its deadlines and deliverables. These tasks are highly dependable on different type of files such as docs, excels, pdfs etc. Enteris will help you keep track of your documents whether they are stored inside a cloud storage, local storage, inside an email, a message or wherever it has been stored, Enteris will help you locate your files more quickly than it has ever been in your business.


Hospitals are expected to be overloaded as the global number of covid-19 patients increases. Health care facilities use segregation, self-isolation and quarantine techniques to deal with the crisis. A key contributor to the problem is the provision of healthcare consultation and monitoring to vulnerable individuals who are under isolation or self-isolation, people with recent travel history and post-exposure recovery follow up patients.

Doctors and other healthcare professionals are at a higher risk of getting infected due to direct exposure. We assert this exposure can be substantially reduced with the help of Telemedicine.

FOR MILLENNIA the laying-on of hands represented the essence of the doctor-patient relationship: taking the pulse, tapping on and listening to the chest, feeling lumps—the human touch of the career. But the Covid-19 pandemic is accelerating the transition to a new model of remotely delivered health care that embraces the benefits of digital and data technologies. It is not a solution to the current crisis, but it will be one of its lasting consequences (The Economist, March 2020).As companies and even schools adopt the work-from-home solution, remote consultation is also becoming an increasingly attractive option in healthcare. The COVID-19 pandemic brought telemedicine into a new light.

We believe virtual platforms of Telemedicine can prove instrumental to tackle the situation. Our team aims to develop a robust platform where Doctor patient interaction, consultations, daily updates and follow up is made available through a cloud based virtual platform.

Healthcare professional and patients will be registered on the platform, doctors will be assigned patients and a portal will facilitate daily interaction through virtual appointments. The Telemedicine portal will have the following features namely; Video/Audio online consultation, Access to Profile and History, Daily follow up (Symptoms, Dosage, Food, Exercise), In-app chat (with or without webcam support), Geolocation for providing the relevant data, Sharing prescription, Getting feedback, Answering queries, Expanding medical prescription database.

This will essentially provide a reliable environment to handle those in self-isolation and post exposure isolation.

Mobile Management Software

Apps and social media may be useful and fun for many of us, but they can be dangerous and inappropriate for kids and teens. Not to mention, distracting apps can get in the way of their schoolwork and other important activities. If you don’t want your children using their phones too much or coming across something they shouldn’t see, you can use this app to customize app usage restrictions in your phone.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is defined as the ability to deliver an integrated suite of business applications. ERP tools share a common process and data model, covering broad and deep operational end-to-end processes, such as those found in finance, HR, distribution, manufacturing, service and the supply chain. Our ERP system provides all these modules to make your business workflow flawless with the help of our ERP.